If you're anything like me, you put off turning on the A/C as long as possible. I claim its an Earth-saving practice, but in truth I just don't like to see my electric bill climb after I've just gotten the gas bill under control from months of running the heater! So we run a few fans at our house, open all the windows, make a lot of ice cubes and maybe slap on an extra layer of deodorant. Right now, I'm loving Jason for sensitive skin with Aloe. The Van
Boening's made the switch to natural deodorant about a year ago after hearing of the potential drawbacks to its more commercial counterpart.
The troublemakers in deodorant are zinc and aluminum. They are the ingredients that reduce sweat and odor producing bacteria but they have also been tied to cancers and are not so great for the environment. Others to look out for when shopping for a deodorant are any of the
ingredients from the "Dirty Dozen" list that I pulled from the Green Guide back in August of last year. Some that are most common in deodorant are antibacterials, DEA, formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, fragrance, and
The ingredients in cosmetic products are not subject to FDA approval, and the vast majority of the 10,000+ ingredients in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety by any governing body. While there are no
definitive studies that link aluminum to breast cancer, there have been studies that have shown that aluminum salts mimic estrogen in lab conditions. Elevated estrogen levels have been shown to be
prevalent in breast cancer patients. At this point, the American Cancer Society deems commercial deodorants to be safe but I personally believe that if there is a comparable and more natural option available, why take that risk? And if you don't switch to lessen your chances of cancer, do it for less skin irritation,
eczema, or use of petroleum!
If you've decided to give a more natural deodorant a try, here are some helpful shopping hints.
-Stay away from aerosols. They are made with petroleum based ingredients and can be irritating to the respiratory system.
-Don't assume that if the label reads "natural" or "hypoallergenic" that you are purchasing a safe product. These terms are NOT regulated by the FDA and provide no safety guarantees.
-If you are in search of a product that has not been tested on animals, look for the Leaping Bunny certification. It certifies that neither product NOR ingredients were tested on non-human subjects. The same goes for any self-care product you may be shopping for.
-Always check for recycled or recyclable packaging.
Some brands that I have seen in the area and that seem to be comparable in price to the aluminum-filled varieties include Jason, Alba, Kiss My Face,
Burt's Bees, and Tom's of Maine. Several of these brands can even be purchased at Target and
HyVee. For a bit more variety, try Open Harvest or Whole Foods. Once you've made your selection, showered, and applied, you are ready to brave this Nebraska heat and humidity sans air conditioner:)